The following Guide is based on BS5839 Part 1 on the design and installation of Fire Alarm
Systems for general applications. It is intended as a reference only, and not a replacement for
BS5839 part 1.
When is a Fire Alarm System Required ?
There are various statutory documents covering the need for fire protection in various types of
premises. The principle documents are:
_ Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
_ Fire Certificates (Special Premises) regulations 1976
_ Factories Act 1971
_ Offices, Shops and Railway Premises Act 1963
_ Private Places of Entertainment Act 1967
_ Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations 1997
The Fire Precautions Act 1971
Under this Act, all shops irrespective of staff numbers and contents must have:
_ Adequate means of escape while an employee is in the premises (unlocked doors and
unobstructed access to them)
_ Appropriate means for fighting fire provided and maintained
A Fire Certificate must be obtained from the Fire Authority for premises in which:
_ More than 20 persons are employed at any one time
_ More than 10 persons are employed at any one time other than on the ground floor
_ The shop employees are working in the same building as others and the total in all the
premises exceeds 20 or 10 elsewhere other than on the ground floor
_ Highly flammable or explosive materials are stored or used
_ Sleeping Accommodation is provided
_ A Hotel or Boarding House contains sleeping accommodation for 6 or more people,
which includes staff and guests, or a Hotel or Boarding House that sleeps a member of
staff or any guests above the first floor or below the ground floor.
The majority of Industrial and Commercial premises therefore require a Fire Alarm System with
legislation both nationally and locally covering a large proportion of the various types of
buildings and their requirements.
Automatic Fire Detection will normally be required in premises with:
_ Flammable or Explosive materials are used or stored
_ Where people are sleeping as part of the premises business activity eg: Hotels, Nursing
Homes, Hospitals etc
_ When the premises has special evacuation problems eg: disabled and elderly persons,
cellars and high buildings
All of the above will probably need some degree of Automatic Fire Detection to obtain a Fire
Certificate, however with the new Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations 1997 it is not
always necessary to apply for a certificate. CAUTION - You almost certainly must have a Fire
certificate OR must comply to the regulations.
The Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations 1997
These new regulations came into force on 1st December 1997 and have an important message for
those responsible for ownership/management of a property where persons are employed.
Unfortunately there are numerous interpretations placed on the regulations and some places are
exempted because they are already covered by other legislation or already hold a Fire
To understand the detailed application to your own requirements please contact the following:
1) For advice on Fire Detection and Fire Alarm System Requirements, contact Photain
Controls plc
2) For copies of the regulations contact: The Stationary
The important points to note are as follows:
COMPLY WITH THE LEGISLATION, and it will no longer be the responsibility of
others, eg: the Fire Service to proscribe to employers the measures to be taken to
minimise risk. The Fire Service will, however, continue to provide advice and guidance
relating to Fire Precautions.
2 The risk assessment requirements of the 1992 Health and Safety Regulations are
extended to include fire risk. Fire precautions are to be based upon the risk assessment.
2a Employers must inform their employees of the results of the risk assessment
3 Employers must provide appropriate means for detecting a fire, raising a fire alarm and
for fire fighting. What is considered appropriate will depend upon the size and the nature
of the premises, the number of people present and activities undertaken. Current British
Standards such as BS5839 Part 1 1988 provide guidance to system design requirements.
4 Employers must provide emergency routes and exits for use in case of fire. These must
be kept clear, be available in an emergency and be provided with emergency lighting if
requiring illumination.
5 Equipment provided to warn of fire, fight fire and to aid escape from fire must be
suitably maintained in good working order.
6 Where fire fighting measures are necessary, employees must be adequately trained and
7 If employers fail to meet their obligations, the Fire Service has the responsibility for
enforcement by means of a series of procedures dependant upon the seriousness of the
It is always advisable to consult the Local Fire Prevention Officer at an early stage, regarding the
legislation covering a particular premises. The Fire Officer will interpret the Fire Precautions Act
or any other act covering a particular premises and advise on the particular type of Fire Alarm
System that may be required.
It must be remembered that the Fire Prevention Officer is concerned with LIFE, his concern for
property is secondary.
We would advise that you only consult with a Fire Prevention Officer with the client=s consent.
When designing a Fire Alarm System, it is important to consult with all other interested parties,
for example:
The Local Fire Authority
The System Installer
The Health and Safety Officer
Any Consultant or Architect
The Insurance Company
During early discussions it is important to establish the purpose of the Fire Alarm System, ie:
A) To enhance the safety of the occupants
B) To minimise damage to the property
Whilst Insurance Companies give good discounts to clients who fit sprinkler systems the fitting
of complex Fire Detection Systems seldom lead to a reduction in premiums sufficient to
encourage a client to fit a Fire Alarm System for property protection. The vast bulk of Fire
Alarm Systems fitted are normally for the protection of Life.
Types of Fire Alarm Systems
All Fire Alarm Systems essentially operate on the same principle. If a detector detects smoke or
heat, or someone operates a break glass unit, then alarm sounders operate to warn others in the
building that there may be a fire and to evacuate. For the system protecting property, it is
additionally likely that the Fire Alarm will incorporate remote signalling equipment which would
alert the fire brigade via a central station.
Wired Fire Alarm Systems can be broken down into three categories, Conventional, Addressable
and Analogue Addressable.
Conventional Fire Alarm System
In a Conventional Fire Alarm System, a number of call points or a number of call points and
detectors are wired to the Fire Alarm Control Panel in Zones. A Zone is a circuit and typically
one would wire a circuit per floor or fire compartment. The Fire Alarm Control Panel would
have a number of Zone Lamps. The reason for having Zones is to give a rough idea as to where a
fire has occurred. The accuracy of knowing where a fire has started is controlled by the number
of Zones a Control Panel has, and consequently, the number of circuits that have been wired
within the building. The Control Panel would then be wired to a minimum of two sounder
circuits which could contain bells, electronic sounders or other audible devices. Sounder
Circuits and Detection Zones are wired in a star configuration. Each circuit would have an end
of line device which is used for monitoring purposes.
Photain Controls currently use 20K resistors for use on the end of all sounder circuits and
HRMODULES for use on the end of the Detection Circuits for all of their Conventional Control
Panels except the PCS800HR Panel and PCS1200HR range which uses a 4K7 resistor.
Removal of Detectors while maintaining the Break Glass Operation
BS5939 part 1 1988 (6.6.2) - amendment 6317 January 1991, requires that :
AWhere Detectors are designed to be removed from the circuit, removal of any detector from the
circuit should not affect the operation of any manual call point.@
On Conventional Fire Alarm Systems one of the following three methods of wiring could be
used to meet the Head Removal requirements:
TYPE 1 All Manual Call Points could be wired to one Zone or Zones and all Smoke or
Heat Detectors could be wired to a separate Zone or Zones
TYPE 2 All Manual Call Points and Smoke Detectors could be wired to the same Zone
providing all manual Call Points are wired in front of all the automatic detectors.2
TYPE 3 An active end of line module (HRMODULE) could be wired to the end of the
Zone/s in place of the normal end of line unit. This would allow for the wiring of
Call Points and Automatic Detectors in any combination on a circuit zone. If any
Detector head is removed from its base then all call points will continue to be
It should be noted that with Addressable and Analogue Addressable Fire Alarm Systems the
method of wiring to a detector base is different to the method of wiring to a Conventional Base.
In addition the method of operation of Addressable and Analogue Addressable Systems means
that the requirements of the amendment 6317 (as detailed on the previous page) are always
complied with, irrespective of the sequence in which the devices are connected.
Addressable Systems
The detection principle of an Addressable System is similar to a Conventional System except
that the Control Panel can determine exactly which detector or call point has initiated the alarm.
The detection circuit is wired as a loop and up to 99 devices may be connected to each loop. The
detectors are essentially Conventional Detectors, with an address built in. The address in each
detector, is set by dil switches and the Control Panel is programmed to display the information
required when that particular detector is operated. Additional Field Devices are available which
may be wired to the loop for detection only ie: it is possible to detect a normally open contact
closing such as sprinkler flow switch, or a normally closed contact opening.
Sounders are wired in a minimum of two sounder circuits exactly as a Conventional System.
Loop Isolation Modules are available for fitting on to the detection loop/loops such that the loop
is Asectioned@ in order to ensure that a short circuit, or one fault will only cause the loss of a
minimal part of the system.3
Analogue Fire Alarm Systems
Analogue Fire Alarm Systems are often known as Intelligent Fire Alarm Systems.
There are several different types of Analogue Systems available which are determined by the
type of protocol which they use. The bulk of Analogue Detectors available are Afairly stupid@
as the Detectors can only give output signals representing the value of sensed phenomena. It is
left up to the Control Unit to decide whether there is a fire, fault, pre alarm or whatever. With
the Photain True Intelligent Analogue System each detector effectively incorporates it=s own
computer which evaluates the environment around it, and communicates to the Control Panel
whether there is a fire, fault or the detector head needs cleaning.
Essentially however, Analogue Systems are far more complex and incorporate far more facilities
than Conventional or Addressable Systems. Their primary purpose is to help prevent the
occurrence of false alarms.
With the Photain Analogue Addressable System up to 127 input devices ie: Smoke Detectors,
Call Points, Heat Detectors, Contact Monitors and other interface devices may be wired to each
detection loop. In addition to the 127 Input Devices, up to 32 Output Devices such as Loop
Sounders, Relay Modules and Sounder Modules may also be connected.
Photain Analogue Systems are available in 2,4 and 8 loop versions which means large premises
can be monitored from one single panel. Isolator units should be connected between Asections@
of detectors as described for Addressable Systems.
Life or Property
BS5839 Part 1, classifies systems and divides them into six different types:
L1 Intended for life safety and covering the whole building
L2 Intended for life safety and covering escape routes and other areas of high
L3 Protecting only the escape routes
P1 Intended for property protection and covering the entire building
P2 Intended for property protection covering any potentially high risk areas
M Intended for giving the alarm in response to operation of a manual call
point and having no means of automatic detection
System Design
Before staring the design you will need to ensure that certain information is available. This may
be given in the specification or it may have to be obtained by consultation. As well as the
purchaser, there may be a requirement to consult with other interested parties. The most
important of which will probably be the Fire Prevention Officer of the local Fire Brigade.
The information which should be available includes:
A The type of system required ie: L1, L2, L3 etc and where appropriate, parts
of the premises to be covered.
B The action to be taken in the event of fire
C Whether other occupants of a multi occupancy building will be affected
D Whether other work is to be done at the same time. If so then consultation
with other contractors may be required.
E A Method of calling the Fire Brigade
F Whether the type of occupants or activity in the building will require a
greater provision of Manual Call Points than normal
G A likely attendance time of the Fire Brigade
Coverage L1 Systems
In an L1 System, all areas of the building should be covered. It is normal not to cover the
following areas:
_ Lavatories and Water Closets unless they contain electric hand dryers
_ Voids less than 800mm in height
Coverage L2 Systems
Coverage of L2 systems depends on the vulnerability of the likely occupants and the probability
of ignition of fires, ie:
_ Sleeping Areas without supervision
_ Areas having a high probability of ignition ie: day accommodation,
store rooms, kitchens and plant rooms
_ Where occupants are especially vulnerable due to illness, age or are unfamiliar
with the building. It should be noted that L2 systems always include L3 coverage.
Coverage L3 Systems
In L3 systems, coverage should be provided for escape routes and any areas in which the
occurrence of a fire would directly threaten escape routes. The following areas should therefore
be covered:
_ Corridors, passages and circulation areas
_ Stairwells
_ The top of vertical risers
_ At each level within 1.5m of an access point to a lift shaft or other vertical riser
_ In all rooms opening onto an escape route
Coverage P1 Systems
In a P1 system all areas of the building should be covered with the exception of:
_ Lavatories and Water Closets
_ Voids less than 800mm in height and such that extensive spread of fire or fire products
cannot take place in them prior to detection by detectors outside the void
Coverage P2 Systems
P2 systems give coverage of only part of the building. The areas covered would normally have a
high fire risk and unprotected areas should be separated by fire resisting construction.
Both P1 and P2 systems would invariably be connected to the Fire Brigade via a central station.
It would be on an extremely irregular basis that you would ever be requested to fit a P type of
Manual only Systems
An AM@ system provides for Manual only alarm and systems intended for multi occupancy
buildings are given the suffix AX@.
The Survey
If you are surveying a building we would suggest you start at the top of the building and work
down. Two basic reasons for this are as follows:
A If you are as athletic as the writer of this guide then you can ride the elevator to the top
floor and the rest of the survey is downhill!
B If you start at the top of the building then you can be sure to check the top of each
stairwell. This will need a detector (except a Manual only System) even on an L3 System.
As you work your way down the building you can then check how often detectors are
required vertically down the stairwell. On Type L Systems, BS5839 states that this shall
be at vertical intervals not exceeding 10.5 metres which normally works out to be every
third floor. On Type P Systems, there should be detectors on every main landing.
The Design
If you are designing onto a set of drawings then we would recommend that you adopt the
following procedure.
1 Identify and plan out where all break glass points are required.
2 Note where all the Sounders are required. Indicate where the Control Panel will be. You
now have an >M= System.
3 Consider fitting door holders/closers onto doors which might otherwise get propped open.
Doors leading onto stairwells should not be fitted with Door Holders. There was an old
GLC regulation which requires a Smoke Detector to be fitted within 2m either side of the
door or pair of doors fitted with a Door Holder/s - Closer/s and many authorities ie: West
Sussex still require this.
4 Mark down where all detectors are required in escape routes, top of stairs, landings,
ceilings at vertical intervals not exceeding 10.5m, top of vertical risers, within 1.5m of
access to lift shafts and within rooms opening onto escape routes.
5 You should now effectively have the design of an L3 System and can now go on to add
detectors to bring the system up to L2 or L1 as required.
6 Indicate the number of Zones that will be required.
Siting of Manual Call Points
A Break Glass Call Point is a device which enables personnel to raise the alarm by breaking the
frangible element on the facia. They should be mounted 1.4m from the floor and sited where they
can be easily seen.
Manual Call Points should be sited on the floor landings4 of stairways and at exits to open air. It
should be noted that many Fire Officers prefer Call Points to be fitted on the floor side of an
access door to a staircase so the floor of origin is indicated at the Control Panel. Where
necessary, extra points should be sited5 so that the greatest travel distance from any point in the
building to the nearest call point does not exceed 30m. A greater number of Call Points may be
needed in high risk areas or if the occupants are likely to be slow in movement.
Siting of Sounders
An Alarm Sounder may be a bell or electronic sounder and it must be audible throughout the
A minimum sound level of either 65db(A) or 5db(A) above any background noise likely to persist
for longer than 30 seconds, which ever is the greater, should be produced by the sounders at any
point in the building. It is unlikely that more than 65DB will be available if the sound has to
carry through more than one door.
If the alarm system is used in premises such as hotels, boarding houses etc where the alarm is
intended to wake sleeping persons then the sound level at the bedhead should be at least 75db(A)
with all doors closed. We would strongly recommend that you allow one sounder per bedroom.
A few bells sprinkled down the corridor in hotel will not produce 75db(A) at all the bedheads.
It is important to note that the above audibility levels must be produced with all doors shut, after
the works on site have been completed. If a Fire Officer even expects that there is a lack of
audible sounders, then he is sure to check each area with a db metre and prove it. It can be costly
and very inconvenient to have to return to site and fit additional sounders.
A minimum of two sounder circuits should be wired and a larger number of quieter sounders are
preferable to a small number of very loud sounders.
At least one sounder should be installed in each fire compartment and all sounders throughout an
installation must produce a similar sound, ie: you cannot mix an electronic sounder and bells.
Choice of Detectors
Smoke Detectors will generally detect a fire far sooner than heat detectors. It is therefore
preferable to fit Smoke Detectors unless there is any possibility of false or unwanted alarms. It is
not advisable for example to fit a Smoke Detector in a kitchen as anybody burning toast would
cause an unwanted alarm. Heat Detectors should be fitted in boiler rooms, generator rooms,
garages and dusty areas. The products of combustion produced by a boiler, a leaky exhaust on a
generator or exhaust fumes from a vehicle could all cause a smoke detector to operate and
produce an unwanted alarm.
Fixed Temperature Heat Detectors should be installed in areas where one would normally expect
a sudden rise in temperature for instance kitchens and boiler rooms.
Rate of Rise Heat Detectors should be installed where Smoke Detectors would be unsuitable but
one would not expect a sudden rise in temperature for instance, garages, car parks, dusty
workshops etc.
There are two basic types of Point Smoke Detectors:
1 Ionisation chamber Smoke Detectors which are very sensitive to smoke with small
particles ie: fresh cellulosic smoke and the source of almost invisible smoke one gets with
burning paper and spirit. They are relatively insensitive to smoke with large particles for
example, smoke produced by burning plastics or stale smoke.
2 Optical Smoke Detectors are sensitive to optically dense smoke ie: smoke with large
particles and they are relatively insensitive to optically thin smoke.
Some countries ie: Italy, Japan, Qatar only use Optical Smoke Detectors and within parts of the
Middle and Far East, only Ionisation Detectors are used. Within the UK systems can comprise of
a mixture of the two. The demise of most people is caused by thick dense choking smoke which
is normally a greater problem than getting burnt. For this reason Optical Detectors are normally
used on escape routes such as corridors and stairwells. Ionisation Smoke Detectors are normally
fitted within office and other general areas.
Siting of Detectors
In a building the greatest concentration of Smoke and Heat will generally collect at the highest
parts of the enclosed areas and it is here therefore, that the detectors should normally be sited.
Smoke Detectors
Smoke Detectors should be sited so that the sensing element is not less than 25mm, nor more than
600mm below the ceiling or roof. If a protected space has a pitched or northern light roof, then
Smoke Detectors should be installed in each apex.
The maximum horizontal distance between any point in the area being protected and the nearest
detector should be as follows:
Under flat horizontal ceilings and corridors more than 5m wide, then the maximum distance for
Point Type Smoke Detectors should not exceed 7.5m. The maximum area of coverage of a Point
Smoke Detector is 100 square metres. On the rear of all Photain Smoke Detector Data Sheets, a
diagram showing the relevant coverage they provide is shown.
In corridors the number of detectors required depends on the corridor width. When installing
Smoke Detectors the following data can be used:
The maximum height that smoke detectors should be installed at is as follows:
Point Smoke Detectors 10.5m
Optical Beam Smoke Detectors 25m
If detectors are to be fitted in the apex of a pitched or north light roof then a row of detectors
should be sited within the apex. One row of detectors should be sited at the highest point a
minimum distance of 0.5m from the vertical wall. Add to the maximum horizontal distance 1%
for each degree of the slope up to a maximum of 25%. For instance a point type detector at the
apex of a 20 degree slope would work out as follows: 20% of 7.5m = 1.5m. Therefore the
maximum distance between detectors = 7.5 + 1.5 = 9m. The maximum area of coverage may
also be increased proportionally.
Where the passage of Smoke or Hot Gases from a position to a detector is likely to be disturbed
by a ceiling obstruction such as a beam having a depth greater than 150mm but less than 10% of
the height of the ceiling, then the horizontal distance should be decreased by twice the depth of
the obstruction. For instance for a Point Type Smoke Detector obstructed by a 200mm depth
beam then the maximum distance between detectors = 0.2m x 2 = 0.4m.
7.5m - 0.4m = 7.1m.
Where a ceiling obstruction, such as a beam is greater than 10% of the height of the ceiling then
the area either side of the obstruction should be considered as separate rooms.
Ceiling beams less then 150mm in depth can be ignored.
Optical beam smoke detectors are useful for covering large unobstructed roof areas such as those
found in most warehouses. They can be quite cost effective as one smoke beam can provide the
coverage of many individual point detectors. A smoke beam typically comprises of a Projector, a
Receiver, a Remote Manual Reset Unit and a Local Power Supply with battery standby. Optical
Beam Smoke Detectors should be mounted as follows: (m = Metres)
The minimum height above floor level = 2.7m
Maximum height above floor level = 25m
Minimum Optical Beam length = 10m
Maximum Optical Beam length = 100m
Minimum distance of Optical Beam = 0.3m
From a flat ceiling or apex
Maximum horizontal distance between Optical = 14m
Beams measured at right angles to a Beam
The Maximum horizontal distance between = 7m
Optical Beam and an adjacent wall or partition
Heat Detectors
Heat Detectors should be sited so that the heat sensitive element is not less than 25mm, nor more
than 150mm below the ceiling or the roof.
The maximum horizontal distance between any point in the area being protected and the nearest
detector should be as follows:
Under flat horizontal ceilings and corridors more than 5m wide then the maximum distance
between any heat detector and any wall or partition should be 5.3m.
The maximum area of coverage per heat detector is 50 square metres.
On the rear of all Photain Heat Detector Data Sheets, a diagram showing the relevant coverage
they provide is shown.
There is also information regarding detector coverage in corridors using Heat Detectors. As Heat
Detectors are very seldom used in corridors then please consult British Standard BS5839 Part 1,
should you require this information.
The maximum height that Heat Detectors should be installed at are as follows:
Grade 1 Heat Detector 9m
Grade 2 Heat Detector 7.5m
Grade 3 Heat Detector 6m
High Temperature Heat Detectors 6m
Control Equipment
The Fire Alarm Control Equipment should normally be sited in an area as follows:
Preferably in an area of low fire risk and on the ground floor by the entrance used by the Fire
Brigade and preferably viewable from outside of the building. It should be located in an area
common to all building users and where automatic detection is in use, the Control Panel should
be in a protected area. An alarm sounder should be sited next to the Control Unit, but not too
near the telephone position.
A suitable zone chart of the building should normally be installed adjacent to the Control Panel.
Power Supplies
Two power supplies are required ie: mains and battery and these are normally built into the Fire
Alarm Control Panel. Standby batteries must allow the system to operate without mains for 24
hours longer than the building is likely to be unoccupied and then support the sounders for an
additional half hour. If the mains supply is supported by an emergency generator then six hours
standby plus half an hour alarm load is sufficient. All modern Fire Alarm Systems are 24 volts.
On the medium and larger sized Fire Alarm Systems, the standby batteries will often not fit
within the Control Panel. Where standby batteries are contained within a separate housing, then
this housing must be as close as possible to the main Fire Alarm Control Panel. If the power
supply or battery housing is located more than 10 metres from the main Fire Alarm Control Panel
then serious volt drop problems can arise. Standby batteries are invariably of the sealed lead acid
variety. Use of nickel Cadmium Batteries is not cost effective and automotive batteries must not
be fitted.
Fire Compartments
Buildings are normally split into fire compartments with each compartment so constructed as to
prevent the spread of fire from one compartment to another.
Each floor and each stairwell within a building is normally a separate fire compartment. Within a
small factory, the factory unit will normally be separated from the offices by >firewalls= to
prevent the spread of smoke and fire from one to the other. The factory and offices will therefore
be in separate fire compartments. A zone should normally only cover a single fire compartment.
If the total floor area (ie: the total of the floor areas of each floor of the building) is not greater
than 300 square metres then the building need only be one zone, no matter how many floors it
In general, if the total floor area is greater than 300 square metres, then each floor should be a
separate zone (or set of zones, if the floor is big enough).
There are two exceptions:
A If the building is sub divided into fire compartments, then any compartment
communicating with other compartments only at the lowest level of the building can be
treated as if it were a separate building ie: if a floor area is not greater than 300 square
metres then it can all be one zone, irrespective of the number of storeys.
B Where stairwells or similar structures extend beyond one floor, but are in one fire
compartment, the stairwell should be a separate zone.
There are two restrictions on the maximum size of a zone, irrespective of the size of the building
A Its total Floor area should not exceed 2000 square metres
B The search distance should not exceed 30 metres. This means that a searcher entering the
zone by the normal route should not have to travel more than 30 metres after entering the
zone in order to see a fire big enough to operate a detector, even if the fire is only visible
from the extreme end of his search path. Remote indicators show an alarm in a closed
area and their fitting can enable larger areas to comply to the search distance
There are two restrictions on the configuration of a zone, irrespective of its size.
A If the zone covers more than one fire compartment, then the zone boundaries should
follow compartment boundaries
B If the building is spilt into several occupancies, then each occupancy should lie within a
separate zone (or set of zones), no zone should be split between two occupancies
For the zoning of special risks or complex areas please consult BS5839 Part 1
Recommended Cable Types
All cables used in Fire Alarms must have a minimum conductor size of 1.0mm squared.
BS5839 Part 1, recommends 11 types of cable which may be used on a Fire Alarm System where
prolonged operation in a fire is not required. Therefore 1.0mm twin and earth cable for instance,
may be used on detection circuits of Conventional Fire Alarm Systems and the detection loops of
Addressable and Analogue Systems providing sounders are not connected to them.
Only two types of cable may be used on Fire Alarm Circuits where prolonged operation in a fire is
1 Mineral - insulated copper - sheath cables (MICC) complying with BS6207
2 Cables complying with BS6387, and meeting at least the requirements of categories AWX
or SWX
In other words, on sounder circuits and for wiring between a power supply and or battery housing
and the main fire alarm control panel you must use one of the following types of cable.
MICC, Flamsil, Firetuff or similar
On Addressable and Analogue Addressable Fire Alarm Systems we would recommend the use of
a screened cable such as BICC Flamsil or Firetuff or MICC for all wiring so as to minimise the
possibility of interference being picked up by or being transmitted by the data loops.
In the larger buildings within the London area (old section 20 buildings) only bare MICC cable is
often specified.
In summary therefore MICC cable used for all your fire alarm wiring would be acceptable
anywhere. However, ordinary twin and earth 1.0mm cable may be used on detection circuits of
Conventional Systems in certain circumstances.
As far as possible, joints should be avoided except where a joint is inside one of the systems
components ie: Control Panel, detector, Call Point, Sounder etc. Where joints are required
elsewhere they should be enclosed in a suitable junction box marked fire alarm to ensure that the
fire alarm systems is not accidentally interfered with.
Fire Alarm Cables, should always be segregated from cables for other systems. The segregation
of MICC cables with a plastic sheath is of course not so critical as the segregation of ordinary
twin and earth cable.
Installation of cables should be in accordance with good practices recommended in the latest
edition of the IEE wiring regulations
Connection to the mains supply should be via an isolating switch fuse reserved solely for the
purpose. Its cover must be painted red and labelled AFire Alarm - do not switch off@.
Conductor size should take voltage drop into account. In any case conductors should have a cross
sectional area of not less than 1 square millimetre.
Where possible cables should be routed through areas of low fire risk. Cables installed in damp,
corrosive or underground locations should be PVC sheathed and where there is a risk of
mechanical damage should be protected accordingly. If Cables are installed less than 2.25m
above the floor should they normally be protected.
Volt Drop in Cables
Unless a detection circuit or detector loop exceeds 1 kilometre in length, it is unlikely to give rise
to a concern about volt drop.
If there are fairly long sounder circuits or a sounder circuit has a large number of Sounders,
Buzzers, Voice Alarms or Flashing Beacons etc on it, then voltage drops can cause problems.
Providing the overall volt drop does not exceed 4 volts on sounder circuits then the system should
operate satisfactorily.
The calculation of the precise voltage drop at each point in the system is a long and tedious
calculation and way beyond the scope of this guide. However, to get a rough idea as to whether a
system will operate satisfactorily one can use the following calculations.
To start with we need to know approximate volt drop characteristic of different sizes of cable
1.0mm cable = 42mV per amp per metre
1.5mm cable = 28mV per amp per metre
2.5mm cable = 17mV per amp per metre
4.0mm cable = 10mV per amp per metre
6.0mm cable = 7mV per amp per metre
If one is using 1.0mm cable:
_ Multiply 42 by the length of the cable in metres
_ Multiply this by the current of all the devices on the length of the cable
_ Divide the entire figure by 1000
This gives a rough idea of the voltage drop.
Lets take an example where you have 30 Sounders, each with a current consumption of 20mA on
200 metres of 1.0mm cable.
If you were to wire in 1.0mm cable then the calculations would look something like this:
42 x 200 metres x 30 sounders x 0.02 amps
The answer is 5.04 volts. This is more than the 4 volts previously discussed and therefore we
would suggest that 1.0mm cable would be unsuitable in this instance.
Lets now try the calculation using 2.5mm cable. In this instance we have the following:
17 x 200 metres x 30 sounders x 0.02amps
The answer is 2.04 volts. A two volt drop is of course acceptable.
Issue 2
Should you be on a budget and be considering using 1.5mm cable, the answer after making the
calculation would be 3.36 volts and this is indeed acceptable. However do not disclaim the
possibility that at a later date you may wish to add extra sounders, and therefore you would be
pushing the system to its full limitations by utilising the 1.5mm cable.
You may encounter examples where even 2.5mm cable is not sufficient. Rather than use a larger
cable which would be extremely difficult to terminate in the rear of most sounders, it is usually
better to run additional sounder circuits and spread the load.
Should you be using a remote power supply or battery housing to power the control panel, then
the voltage drop becomes very significant. As well as the consumption of the Control Panel, one
must consider the operating load of the sounders. It is particularly important to keep voltage drop
as low as possible and preferably below 1 volt or power levels will decrease even before you have
commenced consideration regarding the calculation of the volt drop to the sounders from the
control panel.
An example of this now follows.
We have a control panel which consumes 260ma and has a number of sounders connected, which
in total use 3amps in the alarm condition. If you wired between the remote power supply and the
control panel which was only 20 metres away in 1.0mm cable then the calculation would be as
42 x 20 metres x 3.26 amps = 2.7 volt drop
This would clearly be unacceptable.
Should we be able to locate the remote power supply within 10 metres of the control panel and
wire it in 2.5mm cable the calculations should look as so:
17 x 10 metres x 3.26 amps = just over half a volt
The above example should be acceptable. However when calculating the volt drop on your
sounder circuits it would be advisable not to allow any volt drop to exceed 3.5 volts.
A word of warning however, the writer of this guide has seen several examples where electricians
have installed cable that is too thin on sounder circuits and consequently the system has
encountered substantial volt drops ie: in excess of 12. A way around this has then been sought
and the 24 volt bells have been substituted with 12 volt bells. This does not work, as if you lower
the voltage the current increases and so the problem gets worse.
Routine Testing of the System
The system should be regularly tested and serviced and BS5839 Part 1 makes the following
DAILY Check that the panel indicates normal operation. If not record any fault indicated
in the event log and report the fault to a responsible person. Check that any fault
recorded from the previous day has received attention.
WEEKLY Operate a manual call point or smoke detector to ensure the system operates
properly. Each week a different detector or call point should be checked. Check
that the sounders have operated and then reset the system. Check the battery
connection. Any defect should be recorded in the log book and reported. Action
should be taken to correct the defect.
QUARTERLY Check entries in the log book and take any necessary action. Examine the
batteries and their connections. Operate a manual call point and smoke
detector in each zone to ensure that the system operates properly. Check
that all sounders are operating. Check that all functions of the alarm
control panel operate by simulating fault conditions. Visually check that
structural alterations have not been made that could have an effect on the
siting of detectors and other trigger devices. Complete the event log with
details of the date, time, trigger device tested and >Quarterly Test= in the
event section. Any defects or alterations to the equipment should also be
ANNUALLY Carry out an inspection as detailed for this quarterly inspection. Every detector
should be tested in site. All cable fitting and equipment should be checked to
ensure that they are secure and undamaged.
A qualified engineer should carry out the quarterly and annual inspections and issue a certificate
after each annual inspection. It is normal practice for 1/4 of all detection systems to be cleaned
and checked on each quarterly visit so that the entire system has been properly maintained after
the fourth visit.
Whilst the end user of the fire alarm system may be expected to carry out the daily and weekly
functions very few would be adequately equipped or trained to carry out the quarterly and annual
Photain Controls plc would be please to submit a price for the maintenance of any Fire Alarm
System which has been installed using Photain Fire Alarm Equipment.
The intention of this guide is to keep the information given as simple as possible. This
necessitates the omission of much information contained within the various British
Standards and the requirement of the various fire acts. Photain Controls can therefore not
take any responsibility for the way in which any information contained in this guide is used.
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